Sunday May 20, 2012 I ran my first full Marathon (that's 26.2 miles) and I raised over $3,000 for the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society (exceeding my fundraising goal!).
Most of my runs were in cool, overcast weather making the sunny, hot weather on race day unknown territory. The race course provided powerade and gu gel which are the worst types of fuel for me so I had to pack up my own stuff and carry it throughout the day. But, no worries I was happier than a bird with a french fry pre-race and nothing was going to stand in my way!
I arrived early hoping to track down some of my friends! After walking around I finally found the Girls with Sole Team Lula friends and I was even happier starting my race. I had just finished reading Liz Ferro's (founder of Girls with Sole )book, Finish Line Feeling, the night before and I was completely inspired and motivated. Liz is my hero and good friend, seeing here before my big race was perfect.
The race started off great, I was ready to tackle this feat and ready to do so with a smile and a happy heart. I saw several more running friends and had conversations about anything and everything. I was happy to run with Liz on several different occassions. At one point we were running with 2 girls who are participants of Girls with Sole....they are 12 year old sisters running their first half marathon!
I ran with many other friends in the first half and the time flew by!
The second part of the race was quite an experience. My mental toughness was challenged and I was a little frustrated that I still couldn't poop! ( I have no idea what the issue is but I always have this problem race day) It's tough carrying around that extra baggage for so long! I'm a triathlete, it's totally normal to discuss these issues. Despite the fullness I was moving forward and by this time I was listening to my tunes and busted out a couple of happy dance moves. I was soaking up the whole experience, thanking all the volunteers, and living in the moment.
I totally understand why people say the last several miles are all mental but I was prepared with my "Hail Mary" music, mantra, and motivation. I'm in tune with my body and I always ensure that I have enough gas to finish strong. I sprinted the last mile using up all the energy I had left. I was heading into the finish line and heard "Go Megan Go", I looked up and saw my Mom, Dad, and friend Janet. It was such a blessing to have them at the finish line. I was all smiles!
I'm enjoying my recovery days and excited to start triathlon training and racing. It's going to be a great summer. Achieving awesome goals as this empowers me in my day to day life and work. Anything is possible! Oh, and I'm soaking up every ounce of my "runner's high".
I am so proud of you! Sorry it took so long to send you a comment, but I am seriously excited for you to have finished this race. Keep going. ( ;