I've been feeling all sorts of feelings lately. Eager, lost, lonely, sad, anxious, excited, ready, stagnant, uncertain, awake, ready for what's next, longing for more, desperate for connection and for communication....to name a few. I've been embracing the concept that answers come in stillness, when the mind is quiet. The challenge is to quiet the mind and to just be still, to be like water, to be.
I came home, thought about going to yoga but needed something more. I ate, turned on the news and felt kind of gross listening to the news. I tried to find some mindless tv show that would allow me to escape reality but was turned off but everything. I decided to turn everything off, head to my spare room (my meditation/yoga/reading room), and turned on some guided meditation via the app, insight timer. I listened to a few guided meditations and let myself just be...for an hour.
When we feel the need to escape via tv, running, socializing, addictions, quick fixes, or to feel numb...our body, mind, and soul are hungry for stillness. These are the times when we should seriously take the time to just be. Turn everything off and tune into oneself, to connect with oneself.
We are so overloaded and overstimulated by tv, social media, constant distraction and noise that we lose track and lose sight of what's important and we lose ourselves. I'm loving my meditation practice and am listening closely to what my mind, body, and soul are saying. Today they were screaming for me to be still.
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