Blue's UnBashful Blog

Blue's UnBashful Blog

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Dear 2014, thank you. 

Thank you for the pain, thank you for the suffering.  Thank you for giving me the strength to preserve, forgive, and overcome.  From feeling great pain, anger, hurt, vengeance to feeling joyous and certain, 2014 provided many lessons and opportunities.  2014 brought many great memories from my solo trip to see Rob Zombie in Richmond, Virginia to my solo trips to the woods.  Summer birthday celebrations, my brother’s wedding, meeting someone amazing, and growing friendships.  November and December are the most memorable of the year and they were  filled with peace, forgiveness, strength, laughter, and happiness.  Thank you 2014. 

To anyone going through something that feels impossible to get through, please keep going.  It may not get better tomorrow, next month, on within a year but it will get better.  To go through difficulty opportunities will arise.  Dig deep within yourself and keep moving forward. 

Thank you so much 2014, you were just what I needed.  I Believe, I Love, I Understand, and I Empower <3




The warmth of the sun beats down on my face where so many tears were born

The fresh air fills my lungs where it once felt like I was suffocating or trying to breathe underwater

Chirping birds drown out hurtful voices

The crisp leaves leftover from a brief fall barely make any noise as I lightly skip around

My heart, body, and soul melt into your arms in a way that I didn’t know existed

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