Blue's UnBashful Blog

Blue's UnBashful Blog

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cleveland Half Marathon 2014

This May I set out to do another half marathon!  I chose to do the Cleveland spring marathon because it's close and the course was changed since the last time I ran it so it wouldn't be "boring".  One can never predict the weather for this particular weekend.  When I did the half the first time it was chilly rain, when I did the full marathon is was scorching hot.  This year the weather was sunny but a tad on the chilly side, just a little itsy bit chilly.  I had no expectations coming into this race, I simply wanted to just do it and enjoy the experience. 

It took me longer than I planned to find a parking spot and then I searched everywhere for some sort of bathroom.  After finally releasing my bladder I head to the start line following random people who were obviously running this race. 

We finally took off and I started the half marathon.  It was taking me a while to warm my legs up but the course was pretty and all of the fans were great!  I always enjoy seeing the creative signs.  Unfortunately I don't think my bladder emptied all the way and I started to get the urge to pee.  I ignored it for a bit, thinking I would just sweat it out.  However, it became rather annoying.  I passed several porto- potties but there were long lines.  I kept telling myself, I'll stop at the next one the line will be shorter.  Well I finally got to my 6 or 7 mile and just had to stop.  There were several people in front of me and it felt like they were taking forever.  Alas, I finally did my business. 

I have always found it very difficult to start moving again after suddenly stopping for a bit.  I continued to start running again but was feeling a bit discouraged for the set back in time thanks to my bladder.  I kept moving forward.

The last 3 miles were slightly up hill and any runner can feel that, especially towards the end of a race.  Pushing through I crossed the finish line, grabbed water, took this smiling picture,  and proceeded to find my way back to my car. 

My time was significantly slower than the first time I ran this half marathon.  Though I was irritated about this fact I reminded myself that I was just out here to have fun and the pit stop made a difference in time and how I happens :)  I was smiling afterwards so that is a big win for me <3

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