Blue's UnBashful Blog

Blue's UnBashful Blog

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hermes 10miler and Love-A-Stray 5k


This year's Hermes 10miler road race was my second.  I had no expectations for this race, I'm not sure if I was prepared or not.  I went into this race with my longest run being 8 miles this year.  My goal was to complete it, embrace the experience, and enjoy it.  I made my way to the bathrooms pre-race as usual and ran into some friends from LaGrange.  Somehow we began to talk politics and the current frustrations. 
 The weather was calm, sunny, and a bit cool.  I began the race with a my mind elsewhere.  Thinking of upcoming meetings and ongoing stresses. I was clearly distracted.   It was clear after that conversation my head wasn't in the game.  Alas, I pushed on.  After the turnaround we headed back east and the winds began to pick up.  I was chilled.  The last mile was brutal.  The early morning calmness of the lake was replaced with waves as I ran the last mile.  My face felt frozen and my legs felt like they had been replaced with the Tin Man's legs.  I ran in, crossed the line, grabbed a water and headed back to my car. 
My intention was to run all races this year for fun and to not worry about times.  I "accidentally" checked out my time from the first time I ran this race.  I was about 20 minutes slower this year.  I thought I would be faster; but, I also didn't anticipate the distractions and weather.  The course was beautiful and I finished. 
The following day, I ran the Love- A-Stray 5k.  It was for a great cause and it was a short distance, so why not?  This race was close to the lake as well and was therefore a bit cooler than Grafton.  I ran the first 2miles before deciding to walk the rest of the way.  I saw lots of familiar faces and the course was beautiful.  It was a very well organized race!  I crossed the finished line, grabbed a water, and headed for my car....again.  

I'm still faster than everyone who stayed home and sat on the couch! All kidding aside, these were great races that I am glad to have completed. 

Conditions are never perfect for race or for life.  We must learn to adjust our sails and learn to go with the flow (or with the wind).  If you have trouble going with the wind, remember this quote by Henry Ford, " When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."  With the wind or against the wind just keep moving. 

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